The Renewable Energy Technology Center was established as a learning and education Center for the community. We opened the Center in August 2009, converting a 3,300 square foot shuttered part of the old Windsor Tool & Die factory in central Windsor, to showcase the best in renewable technologies – with a focus on solar technologies. Our company Green Sun Rising Inc. is the driving force behind the facility and within a matter of months we developed the Center from a simple warehouse showroom displaying publicly and commercially available solar products, to a community-based institute for understanding sustainability and renewable energy.
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Visitors can also learn how to offset their utility bills through Net-Metering, an enabling policy designed to foster private investment in renewable energy. By installing a solar PV system, the average homeowner can connect their modules to the Ontario Power Grid to sustain their energy consumption.
We also offer educational seminars and training workshops for solar photovoltaic (PV) as well as for solar thermal (ST) technologies. All of our solar systems are available through a turn-key program management approach.
We house solar companies such as Green Sun Rising that design, develop and implement solar systems.
For more information on our training and seminars or general solar inquiries, please contact us at our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at [email protected].
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